Below is a June 30, 1980 poem in cinquain format (2,4,6,8,2 syllables in the lines). The poem is set in summer. My explanation for the poem out of Journal #32 was that of a woman (daughter Julie 20 years into the future?) daydreaming about her life as a child when there were no stresses, only the anticipation of catching a butterfly amidst beautiful summer colors! The child in the poem was adopted and was intending to pick a bouquet of flowers for her adoptive parents but she got sidetracked chasing the monarch. Then a noise startled the woman and she was drawn away from her daydream, returning to the present.
In mind
she danced through fields
of trumpet daffodils,
violets, crimson clover and
A child
of yesteryear
chasing an elusive
monarch beneath the summer sun
The April 1980 photo below shows daughter Julie and her friend JoLee, both adopted and both age 10, holding a single bouquet of lilacs amidst a field of emerging dandelions. Today's "children of yesteryear". I suspect humble blogger got the bouquet as JoLee was Julie's guest over the weekend.