
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Mary Magdalene and the Holy Women at the Empty Tomb (Matt 28:1-8)*
From  "The Life of Christ" Paintings by J.J.Tissot, 1896

Jesus Appears to a Frightened Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18)*
From "The Life of Christ" Paintings by J.J.Tissot, 1896

The Resurrection

"Woman, why
are you weeping
this beautiful day?"

"Oh! Sir you
startled me.
You must be
the gardener.
Do you know
where they've
taken Jesus?

I came early.
He told me
to be at His
grave when I
saw Him in
Galilee for the
last time. I
mean before...
before His
horrible death
in Jerusalem
which many
of us witnessed.
Did you also see?

"As I neared
His tomb,
I saw the
huge stone
rolled aside,
and Jesus was
gone, so I
ran to tell
Peter and John.
They came back
with me. Peter
was overjoyed,
sir, he had been
weeping for
several days...
but, not finding
Jesus, they
returned to town.

"Only now have I
realized my
anguish and
frustration and
because He
is not here.

"Sir, can you
imagine how
deeply I
loved Him?

"I knew He
was the Messiah
three years ago
when he freed
me from sin
and restored
my health.

"Sir, have you
taken Jesus

do you remember
my words by the
Galilee sea:
'I'll call your
name softly. Don't
be frightened
be brave.'


Poem based on John 20: 11-18

*Note: I purchased all images used in this post from