Toward the end of the second week in July 2012, Humble Blogger was on his annual 3-day (silent) retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House in North St. Paul, MN. I've mentioned this retreat in several other posts: "Jesuit Retreat House at Demontreville"; "Journals, Journals Everywhere" and "CS Lewis-Surprised by Joy" This wasn't just another Retreat however, it was my 40th one. I've been there every year for 40 years through thick and thin, through divorce and remarriage, through spiritual ups and downs, through highs and lows at work and in times of great exuberance, stress and relaxation. Some years the 3 days were easy, at other times very difficult. And, through the grace of God, I was always there!
After Sunday evening supper at 6 pm the last day, those men attending the Retreat who have made 10 or more Retreats are asked to stand for a moment and be recognized with a clap of hands. Those who have made 20 retreats are given a wooden plaque with a large "20 year" medallion in the middle of it. At five Retreat intervals a smaller medallion is added [Sometimes a person attends more than one retreat a year and so Retreats add up faster than years. I was only tempted to do this once but never did]. I now have a full plaque. I don't know what happens at 45 years. There was one man present this year who had "made" 44 Retreats. There were about 8 men out of 50 who were making their 1st retreat.
The Josten's wooden plaque is 6-1/4 in. from top to bottom by 5-1/4 in. wide. Thickness varies from 5/8 in at the bottom to about 1-1/4 in. at the top. My plaque, wrapped in tissue and protected in a Josten's box sits on a shelf in my closet till the next 5 years rolls around. Whereas the plaque is forgotten, we are asked to remember in prayer each new batch of men who are at the Jesuit Retreat House at the start of their Retreat at 7 pm on Thursday evenings throughout the year.