
Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday 2020

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Painting by 
Giuseppe Peroni  (1710-76) in Chiesa di San Antonio Abate, Parma, Italy. Photo ID 119368222 © Jozef Sedmak |

"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala.  Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother 'Woman, this is your son'. Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother'.  And from that moment this disciple made a place for her in his home. After this, Jesus knew that everything had now been completed, and to fulfill the scripture perfectly he said: 

'i am thirsty'.

A jar full of sour wine stood there, so putting a sponge soaked in the vinegar on a hyssop stick they held it up to his mouth.  After Jesus had taken the vinegar he said, 'It is accomplished'. and bowing his head he gave up his spirit." (John 19::25-30)

Note: Scripture passages are from the Jerusalem Bible copyright 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York,