Your humble blogger doesn't remember Grandpa and Grandma Bauman (grandparents on my mother's side) very well as they died at a young age and I also was young. A photo of them is shown on the left.
Grandma Agnes Amelia (Gotch) Bauman was born on December 9, 1892 in Fort Dodge, IA and died in Seattle, WA on Jan 30, 1946 after a series of strokes. She was only 54 years old. I was 4 years old at the time.
Apparantly the night Agnes died, mom said she heard a voice downstairs in the house in the middle of the night (Owatonna, MN on South Street). The voice sounded like her mother Agnes who was calling mom's name up the stairwell to the second floor where mom, dad and we kids were sleeping!! It was the next morning that mom learned of her mother's death the night before.
Grandpa Emil Friedrick Bauman (sometimes spelled Baumann) was born in Basel Switzerland on January 11, 1888 and died in Seattle, WA of a heart attack in March of 1949 at an age of 61 years. I was 7 years old at the time. His photo as a young man is shown below.
Mom told me that the night her dad died (we were still living in Owatonna, MN in Grandpa Andrew's house on South Street) , the phone rang in the middle of the night but there was silence on the other end when she answered it. She suspected something had happened to her dad and the next morning she learned of his death. Mom and my younger brother Jim took a train to Seattle to attend the funeral.
Grandpa Emil Bauman(n) as a Young Man
Below is a photo of Grandpa Bauman with brother's Mike, Jim and humble blogger in about 1945.
Grandpa Emil Bauman with Mike, Jim and Dave (your humble blogger)
Grandpa Bauman has a fascinating story. Mom (Mary F. Bauman Kubiatowicz) said her dad (Emil Frederic Bauman) called himself Fred H. Bauman because he didn't know what his full name was. He just knew that his mom, Josephine Elizabeth (Lampart) Baumann (wife of Fred's father in Switzerland, Johann Baumann) called him "Freddie". Josephine left her 1st husband Johann in Switzerland and emigrated to New York where she married again. The second husband apparently wasn't kind to Emil so Emil ran away from home several times. There is also some evidence that Josephine sent her son Emil away. Emil eventually ended up on an "Orphan Train" (These were active from 1854 to 1904 and carried children, abandon and neglected, to the West to work on farmer's ranches). Mom said Emil got into a ranch where he had to stay in the barn and wasn't given anything to eat and so to stay alive "sucked eggs". He carried this liking for raw eggs throughout his lifetime.
Grandpa Emil made his way to Humboldt, IA where he met and married Grandma Agnes Gotch. She gave birth to 5 children: Marguerite Josephine, 11/2/1914, Richard Joseph, 1/24/1916 Mary Frances, 5/23/1918 (My mom), Winifred Ellen, 2/9/1922 and Bert Owen, 3/13/1925. All of these brothers and sisters are now deceased in 2010.
Below is a photo of humble blogger and his loving wife Rose having supper in Steinbock Restaurant in Basel, Switzerland Monday June 21, 2004. Other than enjoying the wonderful city, we were researching Baumann genealogy.
Rose and Dave Kubiatowicz enjoying Swiss Fondue in Basel, Switzerland
A couple days later on June 23, 2004 we met up with Rose's sister Maxine and Maxine's daughter Laura in Brussels, Belgium to celebrate Laura's birthday. They were also on vacation with us and had been visiting other sights. We were reconvening for our trip home.
Laura and Maxine on Laura's Birthday in Brussels, Belgium